Télécharger Ebook Saturday Requiem, by Nicci French
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Saturday Requiem, by Nicci French
Télécharger Ebook Saturday Requiem, by Nicci French
Saturday Requiem, By Nicci French . Dans quelle situation vous aimez vérifier si beaucoup? Qu'est - ce qui concerne le genre de guide Saturday Requiem, By Nicci French Les exigences de lire? Eh bien, tout le monde a son propre facteur pourquoi devrait vérifier certains e-books Saturday Requiem, By Nicci French Principalement, il va certainement se connecter à leur besoin d'obtenir la compréhension du guide Saturday Requiem, By Nicci French et aussi l' intention de vérifier juste pour obtenir le divertissement à domicile. Livres, histoire e-book, ainsi que divers autres livres agréables viennent à être ainsi préféré maintenant. Par ailleurs, les e-books cliniques seront certainement plus le facteur idéal pour sélectionner, en particulier pour les étudiants, les enseignants, les médecins, homme d' affaires, ainsi que d'autres professions qui aiment la lecture.
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 400 pages
Editeur : Penguin Books Ltd (9 mars 2017)
Collection : Frieda Klein
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 1405930896
ISBN-13: 978-1405930895
Dimensions du produit:
11,1 x 2,4 x 18,1 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
3.5 étoiles sur 5
2 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
398.980 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Les cheminements de Frieda la thérapeute / detective à vif émotionnellement à travers ces différents livres sont tous passionnants, page turner, bien construits et ecrits, l'intrigue toujours intruiguing et believable ,celui la est excellent également, les personnages secondaires toujours présents de façon subtile et évolutive, bref j'attend déjà le prochain !
Dommage, chaque roman dans cette série m'ennuie de plus en plus... des caractères et des situations formatés, malgré quelques "surprises" pour réveiller le lecteur... mais je n'arrive toujours pas à saisir qui est vraiment Frieda Klein, tellement elle semble bipolaire... !
Frieda Klein is one of my favorite characters by authors Nicci French. Frieda is a thoughtful, intelligent woman who often listens to her 'gut instincts' and is usually correct. The authors, have written a Frieda Klein series based on the days of the week, and here we are with the sixth novel Saturday Requiem.After the last novel, 'Friday On My Mind' where life and limb were in peril, Frieda is taking it easy for awhile. Frieda is a psychotherapist with her own practice. She lives alone in her own little house in London. Frieda can often be seen tramping the streets of London in the wee hours when she cannot sleep. She often does some of her best thinking while walking and clearing her mind. In this novel, Frieda has been asked for a favor owed. Walter Levin, a man who had saved Frieda and a friend from big trouble wants her to evaluate a woman to ascertain if this woman will cause him trouble. It turns out this woman, Hannah Dougherty has been charged with killing her family and is incarcerated in a psychiatric facility. What Frieda finds is a woman who is highly medicated with bruises all over her face. As Frieda investigates, she realizes this woman is in trouble and things may not be as they seem. This is not what anyone wants to hear, but Frieda cannot be deterred.Frieda Klein has very interesting friends, and the characters that come in and out of her life all have their own stories. Josef one of the more fascinating characters is a builder/ fixer who is a supporter and takes care of Frieda. She has a nemesis who also shows up at times, sometimes helpful, sometimes not. All of this leads to one of the best series I have read. I like Frieda Klein and her issues and her friends and family, but I wish Frieda could have a much calmer life for a bit. We are soon going to see the end of this series with Frieda in the next novel, Sunday. Will we see resolutions! Probably not.Recommended. prisrob 09-25-16
While I did not much care for the resolution of this mystery, it was still a page-turner.I don't want to head into spoilers, but there was at least one other resolution to the mystery that would have made more sense to me. Also the timeline did not make much sense to me when fully explained.And while it was clear that Hannah- the innocent woman wrongly convicted for the murders- was being targeted by both the inmates of the prison mental hospital in which she was stuck, AND the staff- there was no reason for it that I could see. Since this began well before Frieda showed an interest in her, it cannot even be blamed on Bradshaw's rivalry with Frieda. So ???Dean seems to be escalating, which ought to make him more vulnerable... but maybe not. Honestly, he's just TOO clever and competent; people actually do screw up, except for him.Despite these quibbles, I am very looking forward to the next installment!
Frieda Klein is a London psychotherapist who has, in the past, assisted the police in a consultant role on some of their cases involving psychiatric disorders. In recent years, there have been troubles between Frieda and some higher-ups on the force. Nevertheless, some still consider her intuitive approach to be worth the risk.In Saturday Requiem, the sixth novel in the series, Frieda has been asked to assess a young woman, Hannah Docherty, who has been held in Chelsworth Hospital for the past thirteen years for killing her family: mother, stepfather, and brother. What Frieda finds is appalling. Not only is Hannah almost mute, but she is covered with bruises and heavily medicated. What is happening to her behind closed doors? And why does Frieda find so many irregularities when she studies the case files? Was the case against Hannah mishandled? If so, why? Who is covering up the truth?From the first page, I was thoroughly engaged with Frieda’s quest for answers, and not at all surprised that she met many obstacles and dangers along the way. As she connects with possible witnesses and interviews many of the same people the police talked with years ago, she meets resistance from almost everyone. But slowly a picture emerges, and as Frieda finds clarity, I held my breath, wondering how it would all play out.Twists and turns are an understatement for the path Frieda follows to find a solution. But will she find out the truth soon enough? An alternate narrator, unknown to the reader, is spinning another plot from within the institution, and someone has nefarious plans for Hannah. 5 stars.
...for this book to arrive. I love Nicci French and have enjoyed all of the Frieda Klein books ... But I was disappointed in the ending. It was so left field and having thought this was the last in the series I was expecting the Dean Reeve mystery to be solved. I can only guess there will be one more - a Sunday book - and I can only hope that Hal Bradshaw will get his come uppance, Frieda and Karlsson will get it on, and Chloe and Jack will live happily ever after ... And Dean Reeve will meet a horrible end after we find out how he kept reinventing himself!!!
I love this series. I wasn;t so sure at first - in the first book or two that I really liked the main character, Frieda - but she has grown on me - lolFrieda is a psychotherapist who gets involved in police cases - and when she gets on the scent of something, she doesn't let go - no matter what or how much danger it put herself, or anyone else , in.In this novel - Dean (a serial killer) is still hidden in the background of her life and causing disquiet. I don;t want to give too much of the story away - and it is difficult to write about the plot without giving stuff away. Let's just say that a young girl has been in a mental institution for 13 years after murdering her parents and her younger brother. "Someone" ask Frieda to talk to the girl, Hannah because they believe that the case was mishandled. Frieda talks to Hannah - but Hannah doesn't really communicate. Did I say Frieda has a difficult time letting things go.... well... that sets the stage for the rest of the storyAnxiously awaiting Sunday
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